Becoming a KonMari Consultant

You may be familiar with Marie Kondo. She has written books on tidying, and you can find her on Netflix. In 2014, I read her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and went through my home category by category following her method (or so I thought). When my husband and I moved to New Mexico in 2021, I wondered how we could still have so much stuff! I thought I had gone through everything and kept only what I loved.

After a friend told me she had a KonMari Consultant help her with her home and was thrilled with the results, I realized there was more to it. First, I couldn’t go through my house in one day. Second, having someone go through the process with me would be so much more helpful. And third - there are KonMari Consultants?? After revisiting my process, I went through the training in March 2023 and discovered that helping people love their homes brings me the most joy! 

But first, I needed to confront what I held onto and keep only what brought me joy. The shift from keeping everything that I “may use one day,” something that someone gave to me or something that I inherited, to only keeping what brings me joy was eye-opening.

If you’re struggling with decluttering and keeping only what truly brings you joy, I can help you through this process.


Too much stuff