Day 6 - everything else
Jennifer Paulsen Jennifer Paulsen

Day 6 - everything else

Day six of the Wirecutter declutter challenge, which was back in March, is to “Just get the thing” (that helps you stay organized). There are many organizing products out there, and it can be hard to know if buying one will be a positive addition or just another item you will end up donating.

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Day 5 - the bathroom
Jennifer Paulsen Jennifer Paulsen

Day 5 - the bathroom

Today’s challenge is decluttering the bathroom, starting with tossing expired products. I have been known to collect shampoo, conditioner, nail polish, and lipstick (once I counted 30 tubes).

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Day 4 - the fridge
Jennifer Paulsen Jennifer Paulsen

Day 4 - the fridge

Today’s challenge calls for tackling at least one zone in the fridge. I feel I have a fairly good handle on our fridge, but that was certainly not always the case. And unfortunately, I still end up wasting more food than I’d like.

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