Decluttering challenge - Day 2
As a Certified KonMari® Consultant, I know I can tackle my closet. Not only have I gone through my closet before (and continue to do so regularly), but I’ve also helped others go through their closets, and they are always amazed when we’re done. It’s the first thing we do when following the KonMari® Method. And there’s a reason for this; you can figure out fairly quickly which clothes you feel good in and that bring you joy and which items no longer serve you.
Too tight of jeans? Donate! Yellow pit stains on a white Tee? Out of here! Loose elastic underwear? Need I ask??
With spring and warmer weather, I like to lighten and brighten my closet. It’s time to put away the heavy sweaters (I use vacuum bags for this). As an adult, I have never lived in a house with dreamy walk-in closets, so I’m used to switching out my cold weather and warm weather clothing when the seasons change. I have pared down my clothes, so this doesn’t take very long at all.
Over the years, I’ve tried different techniques on myself, from putting my “maybe keep” items away for a year to see if I missed them to taking note of which items made it to the back of my drawer after a year. The idea is that if you don’t think about them or they end up at the back of your drawer, then you don’t wear them enough to keep them. I have also tried the “one in, one out” rule, which states that you get rid of one item when you purchase something new. These may work for some people, but they didn’t work for me. What did work was pulling everything out of my closet and drawers and placing it on my bed so that I could see the pile of clothes I had acquired.
One of the tips listed is, “Opening your closet should feel like stepping into a store, and picking an outfit should be like ‘shopping’ everything you own.” I used to work in retail, so I know how to merchandise, fold (thanks, Benetton), and straighten, so I can set up my closet as close to a store as it allows. The next time I need a cute outfit, I will try “shopping” in my closet.
Lighter fabrics and colors (although, still a lot of black in my short-sleeve tops) move up to the front for spring and summer.