Decluttering your inbox
Day three’s NYT’s Wirecutter challenge is to declutter your inbox, something I struggle with. My personal inbox is a productivity killer. I visit it daily to catch up on the news and read my favorite newsletters.
Decluttering challenge - Day 2
As a Certified KonMari® Consultant, I know I can tackle my closet. Not only have I gone through my closet before (and continue to do so regularly), but I’ve also helped others go through their closets, and they are always amazed when we’re done. It’s the first thing we do when following the KonMari® Method.
Decluttering challenge - Day 1.5
I haven’t even gotten to Day 2 of the NYT Declutter Challenge. After I took everything out from under my sink, I decided to buy some shelf liner to spruce up the bottom of the cabinet that has seen years of use without protection. There are bubbles and places where water has been.